Hi. Thanks for reading.
I'm not entirely sure why I'm writing this. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I'm a few months away from my twenty-fifth year on this planet, and I'm tired of keeping my thoughts to myself. I don't care about readership or becoming a cewebrity, this is for me. I also don't care about anonymity, the Internet has so much shit on me there's no point in trying to pretend someone couldn't figure out who was writing this if they really wanted to.
My name is Miles Marszalek and I long for freedom. Freedom from Corporate Free Speech in the form of money. Freedom from gender bias and oppressive socialization that's been drilled into my head all my life. Freedom from snake-oil salesmen telling me the world is about to end. Freedom from unkempt hippies that just want to sit around and smoke weed all day while talking shit about The Man. Freedom from fossil fuels, solar panels, nuclear power, and wind turbines. Freedom from high fructose corn syrup. Freedom from special interests and misinformation. Freedom from the confines of the English Language and all the connotations that go with it. Freedom from the bullshit sense of entitlement that comes with being born in the United States.
But hey, at least I can say what I want. There's that much. I can freely express my hopes and dreams without fear of persecution or repercussions. And for that I am grateful. Like I said before I don't really know what I'm going to put here, so sit back and enjoy what comes.
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